And so it begins...
(too old to reply)
Steve Hayes
10 years ago
Microsoft dropped support of Windows XP earlier in the year, and now others
seem to be doing the same.

Firefox told me that my Java plug-in was unsafe, and needed to be updated.

I downloaded the latest version, and it told me it could not run on my
versiomn of Windows.

Not that I use it a lot, but when I do want to use it it is a nuisance not to
be able to.
Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
Web: http://www.khanya.org.za/stevesig.htm
Blog: http://khanya.wordpress.com
E-mail - see web page, or parse: shayes at dunelm full stop org full stop uk
10 years ago
Post by Steve Hayes
Microsoft dropped support of Windows XP earlier in the year, and now others
seem to be doing the same.
Firefox told me that my Java plug-in was unsafe, and needed to be updated.
Which Firefox and JRE versions are those?
10 years ago
Post by JJ
Post by Steve Hayes
Firefox told me that my Java plug-in was unsafe, and needed to be updated.
Which Firefox and JRE versions are those?
Does it matter which version of Fx it is? It seems like Oracle's Java is
the culprit.
10 years ago
Post by s|b
Post by JJ
Post by Steve Hayes
Firefox told me that my Java plug-in was unsafe, and needed to be updated.
Which Firefox and JRE versions are those?
Does it matter which version of Fx it is? It seems like Oracle's Java is
the culprit.
I'm well aware of that.

10 years ago
Post by JJ
Post by Steve Hayes
Microsoft dropped support of Windows XP earlier in the year, and now others
seem to be doing the same.
Firefox told me that my Java plug-in was unsafe, and needed to be updated.
Which Firefox and JRE versions are those?
(I assumed Java 8u25, the latest available as of today.)
10 years ago
Microsoft dropped support of Windows XP earlier in the year, ...
Correction: Microsoft dropped *mainstream* support for Windows XP back
in April 2009, over 5 years ago. See:


Authors don't maintain support of Windows based on the extended support
period (security patches). Sun continued support of an unsupported OS
for about 8 months and then Oracle, who acquired Sun in Jan 2010,
continued support of an unsupported OS for almost another 5 years.
... and now others seem to be doing the same.
("others" = Oracle's Java.)


So why not go back to a version of Java that does support its
installation on Windows XP? Yeah, you might get notices that it is no
longer secure but the same is true regarding Windows XP. Looks like you
can go back to an earlier build of Java 8 rather than have to drop all
the way back to Java 7.
Firefox told me that my Java plug-in was unsafe, and needed to be updated.
There's no option in Firefox to disable the not-safe warning?

(it's an old article)

(I don't use Firefox to know if this navpath is still valid.)
10 years ago
On Tue, 16 Dec 2014 08:40:19 +0200, Steve Hayes
Post by Steve Hayes
Firefox told me that my Java plug-in was unsafe,
All java plugins are unsafe, on any OS, so I suppose they didn't lie.
Post by Steve Hayes
and needed to be updated.
Ah, new backdoors.

Same goes for Flash, Silverlight and DRM -- > delete them all. For
your safety.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
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