Dänk 666
2011-02-12 21:51:46 UTC
I just bought the Windows 7 upgrade, and even though I haven't
installed it yet, I hate it already.
After experimenting with my old computer, I successfully partitioned
my hard drive and re-installed XP along with Slackware 13.1, with my
goal being of installing Windows 7 and Slackware on my current
Unfortunately, Microsoft has decided to fight piracy by requiring that
upgrades be installed on a computer that already has a registered
version of the previous version of Windows. Since I plan to re-format
and re-partition my HDD, I will erase my Vista installation.
I could re-install Vista, except Dell decided to do their customers a
favor by no longer shipping installation discs with new computers,
meaning I have no Vista disc to re-install, meaning I can't install
the Win7 upgrade. Dell support was kind enough to SELL me a
replacement disc, for $11 plus $7 S&H plus tax.
Meanwhile, I downloaded the Slackware 13.1 64-bit installation disc
for free, installed it without any product keys or proof that I owned
a previous version, and once it installed it did everything Windows
does only faster. The KDE desktop environment looks even sleeker than
Windows, and I am not limited to just desktop environment, and can
choose a lighter one like XFCE for extra performance when running
intensive applications like video editing.
I have a feeling that this will be my last purchase of a Microsoft
product. Linux is not necessarily more complex than Windows, just
different. I grew up using a Macintosh, and its ease of use came at
the expense of making users retarded, forcing them to stay with the
Apple/Mac line, a business model that Microsoft has since adopted.
installed it yet, I hate it already.
After experimenting with my old computer, I successfully partitioned
my hard drive and re-installed XP along with Slackware 13.1, with my
goal being of installing Windows 7 and Slackware on my current
Unfortunately, Microsoft has decided to fight piracy by requiring that
upgrades be installed on a computer that already has a registered
version of the previous version of Windows. Since I plan to re-format
and re-partition my HDD, I will erase my Vista installation.
I could re-install Vista, except Dell decided to do their customers a
favor by no longer shipping installation discs with new computers,
meaning I have no Vista disc to re-install, meaning I can't install
the Win7 upgrade. Dell support was kind enough to SELL me a
replacement disc, for $11 plus $7 S&H plus tax.
Meanwhile, I downloaded the Slackware 13.1 64-bit installation disc
for free, installed it without any product keys or proof that I owned
a previous version, and once it installed it did everything Windows
does only faster. The KDE desktop environment looks even sleeker than
Windows, and I am not limited to just desktop environment, and can
choose a lighter one like XFCE for extra performance when running
intensive applications like video editing.
I have a feeling that this will be my last purchase of a Microsoft
product. Linux is not necessarily more complex than Windows, just
different. I grew up using a Macintosh, and its ease of use came at
the expense of making users retarded, forcing them to stay with the
Apple/Mac line, a business model that Microsoft has since adopted.