Steve Hayes
2014-03-28 09:50:32 UTC
Be Wary: Hackers are Readying Security Updates for XP Users
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Contributed By:
Tripwire Inc
By: Katherine Brocklehurst
After April 8, you should be very watchful and wary of ‘security updates’ for
Microsoft systems and here’s why: Microsoft ends its support on that date for
Windows XP. Timothy Rains, director of trustworthy computing at Microsoft says
“the probability of attackers using security updates for Windows 7, 8, and
Vista to attack Windows XP is about 100 percent.”
The significance of this long-foretold moment may be felt hardest by the
financial, retail, and energy industries as well as government. The majority
of ATMs, many Point-of-Sale (POS) systems, lots of systems within our critical
infrastructure environments (and certainly our power grid), and a large
percentage of government systems are still running this version of Microsoft’s
2001 operating system (in many cases, it’s embedded XP, which Microsoft has
committed to supporting a while longer, but some do have regular XP OS in
Approximately 40% of PC users still run desktop versions of Windows XP as
well. Windows XP has been regarded by many as the best version of Windows
ever. As with all Microsoft OS’s, it’s certainly been patched a lot. Check out
this list of XP CVEs. And in 2007 people flatly refused to upgrade even though
Microsoft tried to move people off of it then.
The good news is (per Microsoft) – there’s a fix! Upgrade to Windows 8.1 – an
OS that has been fraught with highly publicized vulnerabilities since it
launched. Or, potentially purchase support from Microsoft at a fat price tag.
(What are they quoting your organization for individualized XP software
support, and how encompassing is it? – I’d love to hear…I’ve heard that
support in year two could incur a five-times multiple!)
Here’s the bad news – ATMs are a sweet spot for hackers – and many
well-organized groups have hit the news with successful cash grabs, and now
they’re about to become an even easier target. Estimates are that 95% of bank
ATM machines will be vulnerable to XP hackers after April 8.
The ATM industry is a patchwork of thousands of terminals that range from
national banks and their satellite cash locations to individual
convenience-store, doughnut shop, beach-side delis, and out-moded ATMs on back
roads. It’s difficult to get these systems all upgraded at once, and many
machines cannot be updated remotely.
Many may require a complete physical replacement since they can’t be upgraded
due to lack of computing power. Aravinda Korala, CEO of ATM software provider
KAL, believes only 15 percent of ATMs in the U.S. will be upgraded by April 8.
Many banks are paying Microsoft to extend support for XP on cash machines
while they make the switch to Windows 7, according to Reuters.
So while it’s not quite the apocalypse, it is going to be a very sketchy
period of time for XP users. Hackers will have significant opportunity with
XP, and you should ready your organization. Suggestions are that if you can’t
securely upgrade before April 8, at least prepare to harden your
configurations as much as possible in advance, and definitely step up security
awareness within your user environment.
This was cross-posted from Tripwire's The State of Security blog.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Contributed By:
Tripwire Inc
By: Katherine Brocklehurst
After April 8, you should be very watchful and wary of ‘security updates’ for
Microsoft systems and here’s why: Microsoft ends its support on that date for
Windows XP. Timothy Rains, director of trustworthy computing at Microsoft says
“the probability of attackers using security updates for Windows 7, 8, and
Vista to attack Windows XP is about 100 percent.”
The significance of this long-foretold moment may be felt hardest by the
financial, retail, and energy industries as well as government. The majority
of ATMs, many Point-of-Sale (POS) systems, lots of systems within our critical
infrastructure environments (and certainly our power grid), and a large
percentage of government systems are still running this version of Microsoft’s
2001 operating system (in many cases, it’s embedded XP, which Microsoft has
committed to supporting a while longer, but some do have regular XP OS in
Approximately 40% of PC users still run desktop versions of Windows XP as
well. Windows XP has been regarded by many as the best version of Windows
ever. As with all Microsoft OS’s, it’s certainly been patched a lot. Check out
this list of XP CVEs. And in 2007 people flatly refused to upgrade even though
Microsoft tried to move people off of it then.
The good news is (per Microsoft) – there’s a fix! Upgrade to Windows 8.1 – an
OS that has been fraught with highly publicized vulnerabilities since it
launched. Or, potentially purchase support from Microsoft at a fat price tag.
(What are they quoting your organization for individualized XP software
support, and how encompassing is it? – I’d love to hear…I’ve heard that
support in year two could incur a five-times multiple!)
Here’s the bad news – ATMs are a sweet spot for hackers – and many
well-organized groups have hit the news with successful cash grabs, and now
they’re about to become an even easier target. Estimates are that 95% of bank
ATM machines will be vulnerable to XP hackers after April 8.
The ATM industry is a patchwork of thousands of terminals that range from
national banks and their satellite cash locations to individual
convenience-store, doughnut shop, beach-side delis, and out-moded ATMs on back
roads. It’s difficult to get these systems all upgraded at once, and many
machines cannot be updated remotely.
Many may require a complete physical replacement since they can’t be upgraded
due to lack of computing power. Aravinda Korala, CEO of ATM software provider
KAL, believes only 15 percent of ATMs in the U.S. will be upgraded by April 8.
Many banks are paying Microsoft to extend support for XP on cash machines
while they make the switch to Windows 7, according to Reuters.
So while it’s not quite the apocalypse, it is going to be a very sketchy
period of time for XP users. Hackers will have significant opportunity with
XP, and you should ready your organization. Suggestions are that if you can’t
securely upgrade before April 8, at least prepare to harden your
configurations as much as possible in advance, and definitely step up security
awareness within your user environment.
This was cross-posted from Tripwire's The State of Security blog.
Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
E-mail - see web page, or parse: shayes at dunelm full stop org full stop uk
Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
E-mail - see web page, or parse: shayes at dunelm full stop org full stop uk