Missing tray icon
(too old to reply)
Bob Newman
2012-12-04 13:31:04 UTC
Win 7. I am having problem with an icon in my system tray not showing up. It is a small utility program I use a lot. The icon is not in the tray so I try, I try to restart the progam again I get an error message that says it is already running. When I bring up the screen to customize the tray icons it gives me an error message that says "this notification is not currently active, it will be shown the next time it becomes active". If it makes any difference, in the customize screen where it lists the program there is no icon to the left of its name as there is with most other icons. Help please
Char Jackson
2012-12-04 15:58:58 UTC
[Crossposted to alt.windows7.general]

On Tue, 4 Dec 2012 05:31:04 -0800 (PST), Bob Newman
Post by Bob Newman
Win 7. I am having problem with an icon in my system tray not showing up. It is a small utility program I use a lot. The icon is not in the tray so I try, I try to restart the progam again I get an error message that says it is already running. When I bring up the screen to customize the tray icons it gives me an error message that says "this notification is not currently active, it will be shown the next time it becomes active". If it makes any difference, in the customize screen where it lists the program there is no icon to the left of its name as there is with most other icons. Help please
It sounds like a problem with your unnamed utility. Has it worked
properly in the past? If so, reinstalling it might help. If it never
worked properly, it might be time to look for a replacement. If you
give us its name and/or a link to its homepage, maybe someone will
have a suggestion.
Char Jackson
Gene E. Bloch
2012-12-04 18:44:58 UTC
Post by Char Jackson
[Crossposted to alt.windows7.general]
On Tue, 4 Dec 2012 05:31:04 -0800 (PST), Bob Newman
Post by Bob Newman
Win 7. I am having problem with an icon in my system tray not showing up. It is a small utility program I use a lot. The icon is not in the tray so I try, I try to restart the progam again I get an error message that says it is already running. When I bring up the screen to customize the tray icons it gives me an error message that says "this notification is not currently active, it will be shown the next time it becomes active". If it makes any difference, in the customize screen where it lists the program there is no icon to the left of its name as there is with most other icons. Help please
It sounds like a problem with your unnamed utility. Has it worked
properly in the past? If so, reinstalling it might help. If it never
worked properly, it might be time to look for a replacement. If you
give us its name and/or a link to its homepage, maybe someone will
have a suggestion.
Lacking that knowledge, a more generic approach that *might* work is to
find the service in the Services manager[1] and stop it, then start it
(or just restart it, if that is available).

[1] OP: type Services in the Start orb and click on Services.
Gene E. Bloch (Stumbling Bloch)