Post by zigzagThanks for replying JJ. I too have an AMD Athlon 64 X2, and the speed
presets (on GNU/Linux) are 1, 1.8, 2, 2.2, 2.4 and 2.5 Ghz. I installed
RightMark CPU Clock Utility but can't figure out how to choose a preset
-- I only have like one minute until the computer shuts itself down
after I login so I couldn't take a real look at the utility. Could you
please explain where and how I must choose the preset? (a link to a
screenshot would be great, I'm not knowledgeable when it comes to
hardware, far from it actually).
The presets are called "profiles" in that tool. After the tool is
launched, on its icon (on task bar tray icon), right-click it to show a
popup menu. Hover the cursor on "Current Profile" to show a submenu.
Click on the "Power saving". This should minimize the CPU speed so the PC
won't shutdown itself.
Double-clicking the icon will show its main dialog. All 4 profiles (only
3 are configurable) can be found under the "Profiles" node. Select a
profile except "No management". Make sure the "CPU settings" button is
selected. The right side "Battery" column if for notebooks when using
battery only, and the left side "AC power" is for desktops or notebooks
with AC power plugged. Each configurable profile will have a list of CPU
speeds allowed for that profile. Simply disable/untick the speeds to
prevent use of that speed in the current profile. For example, a profile
for max power saving should have FID (the multiplier) of 5.0X-6.5X all
enabled and all others disabled.
If your PC keep shutting down it self, you should set the CPU multiplier
in the BIOS to limit the speed instead. The CPU multiplier will be
applied to the moterboard FSB speed. My FSB is 200MHz, and the default
multiplier is 12.5X, so:
200MHz X 12.5 = 2500MHz = 2.5GHz
Check your motherboard manual on the "Motherboard Specifications"
section. It should show the FSB speed. If you don't know the max CPU
multiplier, go to the BIOS screen where the CPU multiplier setting is
found, then press the key to restore the settings to factory default. CPU
multiplier factory default setting is the max multiplier, while the "safe
setting" might be less than the factory setting.
If your CPU is same as mine, which is AMD64 X2 4800+ 2.5GHz, try
decreasing the multiplier to 9.5X (1.9GHz; roughly 75% speed). Save it
and reboot to Windows. If it still shutdown itself, let it cool off for a
few minutes then start it up again to decrease the multiplier settings
some more until it won't shutdown it self when running Windows. While the
lowest multiplier setting is 5.0X (1GHz), it depends on the motherboard
quality. Mine (BIOSTAR) always freeze when using multiplier of lower than
6.5X (1.2GHz or less).